In the event of an emergency, the campus community will be notified through a variety of mechanisms including the web, email and voicemail. The University will broadcast an alert and direct users to an emergency unit outlining the University's response. There will also be messages on the University's 24-hour news line.
Emergency Hotline
+254 0512217891/2
Security Hotline
+254 0512217781
COVID Helpline
Public Health Emergency Operations Center, Nakuru County

Complaints Handling and Corruption Reporting Mechanisms
A student or staff may lodge a complaint through telephone call, personal visit, letters, email, short messages service (SMS), suggestion box and feedback form in the various relevant offices in the University. Reports should be made to Integrity Promotion Committee whose mandate is:
- To receive and ensure resolution of complaints on injustices, maladministration, unethical conduct, breach of integrity, discourtesy, misbehaviors, inefficiency or ineptitude.
- To receive and investigate reports on alleged corruption.
- Physical location: Utafiti Building room 330/331 hotline – 051-2111111 or 051-2112222. Mobile No. 0702-200015, E-mail: