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Mr. Albert Orwa Akuno

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Faculty of Science
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Box 536-20115 Egerton

I am a Kenyan citizen and a statistician with biasedness towards Uncertainty Quantification (UQ) of both deterministic and stochastic epidemiological models. I am generally interested in mathematical epidemiological modelling with more focus on the analysis of theoretical properties and applied nature of such models leading to a deeper understanding of the evolution dynamics and control of infectious diseases.


2019 - Present: Ph.D in Probability and Statistics, Centro de Investigación en Matemáticas A.C., Guanajuato, México.

2012 - 2015: Master of Science in Statistics, Egerton University, Egerton, Kenya.

2008 - 2012: Bachelor of Science in Economics and Statistics, Egerton University, Egerton, Kenya. First Class Honours.

2003 - 2006: Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education, Homa-Bay High School, Homa-Bay, Kenya. Mean Grade: A-

1994 - 2002: Kenya Certificate of Primary Education, Rangwe Primary School, Rangwe, Kenya. Score: 350/500






Probability and Statistics, Mathematical Epidemiology, Bayesian Statistics, Uncertainty Quantification


August 2022 - December 2022: Teaching Assistant, Department of Probability and Statistics, Centro de Investigación en Matemáticas, A.C, Guanajuato, Gto., Mexico. Assistantship Course: Epidemiological Modeling.

March 2018 - August 2019: Tutorial Fellow, Department of Mathematics, Egerton University, Egerton, Kenya.

September 2015 - February 2018: Teaching Assistant, Department of Mathematics, Egerton University, Egerton, Kenya.

September 2013 - September 2015: Part - Time Lecturer, Department of Mathematics, Egerton University, Egerton, Kenya.

September 2014 - January 2016: Part - Time Lecturer, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Laikipia University, Nyahururu, Kenya.

  • Mathematical Epidemiology
  • Bayesian Statistical Methods
  • Statistical Computation
  • Inferential Statistics and Uncertainty Quantification
  • Multivariate Data analysis


  1. Albert Orwa Akuno, L. Leticia Ramírez-Ramírez, Chahak Mehta, C.G. Krishnanunni, Tan Bui-Thanh, José A. Montoya, Multi-patch epidemic models with partial mobility, residency, and demography, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, Volume 173, 2023,113690,
    ISSN 0960-0779. (
  2. Akuno, A.O.; Ramírez-Ramírez, L.L.; Espinoza, J.F. Inference on a Multi-Patch Epidemic Model with Partial Mobility, Residency, and Demography: Case of the 2020 COVID-19 Outbreak in Hermosillo, Mexico. Entropy 202325, 968.
  3. L. Leticia Ramírez-Ramírez, Jose A. Montoya, Jesús F. Espinoza, Chahak Mehta, Albert Orwa Akuno, Tan Bui-Thanh. (2022). Use of mobile phone sensing data to estimate residence and mobility times in urban patches during the COVID-19 epidemic: The case of the 2020 outbreak in Hermosillo, Mexico. Undergoing review.
  4. Akuno, A. O., Mutunga, T. N., Nthiwa, J. M and Orawo, L. A. (2016). Parameter Estimation of an Exponential Software Reliability Model Using Linear Regresion. American Journal of Theoretical and Applied Statistics, Vol.5, No. 3, 2016, pp. 80 – 86. Doi: 10.11648/j.ajtas.20160503.11
  5. Akuno, A. O., Otieno, M. O., Mwangi, C. W. and Bichanga, L. A. (2015). Statistical Models for Forecasting Tourists’ Arrival in Kenya. Open Journal of Statistics, 5, 60-65.
  6. Akuno, A.O., Orawo, L. A. and Islam, A. S. (2014). One-Sample Bayesian Predictive Analyses for an Exponential Non-Homogeneous Poisson Process in Software Reliability. Open Journal of Statistics, 4, 402-411.
  7. Akuno, A.O., Orawo, L. A. and Islam, A. S. (2014). Two-Sample Bayesian Predictive Analyses for an Exponential Non-Homogeneous Poisson Process in Software Reliability. Open Journal of Statistics, 4, 742-750.
  • XV International Week of Statistics and Probability held from June 13 to 17, 2022, with virtual headquarters at the Faculty of Physical Mathematical Sciences of the Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla (BUAP) in the City of Puebla, Mexico. Title of presentation: Bayesian inference and Uncertainty Quantification (UQ) for a multi-patched epidemic model with partial mobility, residency, and demography.
  • XIX School of Probability and Statistics, held virtually at the Centro de Investigación en Matemáticas, A.C, Guanajuato, Gto., México from April 19 to April 23, 2021.
  • XV CLAPEM 2019, Latin American Congress of Probability and Mathematical Statistics in Merida, Yucatan, Mexico on 2 – 7 December, 2019.
  • First Kenyatta University Workshop on Mathematical Modelling at Kenyatta University, Nairobi, Kenya on 13 – 21 June, 2013. Theme: Enhancing Mathematical Modelling for Research and Development.
  • Certificate of excellence awarded by Egerton University for excellent academic performance in MSc. (Statistics) and being in the Vice -Chancellor’s roll of honour during the 32nd graduation ceremony on 19th June, 2015
  • MSc. Statistics Scholarship in December 2013 by Egerton University Council, worth Ksh 750,000.
  • African Mathematics Millennium Science Initiative (AMMSI) Postgraduate Scholarship worth Ksh.109, 497 in September, 2013.
  • Certificate of excellence awarded by Egerton University for excellent academic performance and being in the Dean’s roll of honour in the 2010/2011 academic year on 30th January, 2012
  • Certificate of excellence awarded by Egerton University for excellent academic performance and being in the Dean’s roll of honour in the 2008/2009 academic year on Founder’s Day, 30th January ,2010.
  • Probability and Statistics
  • Multivariate Data Analysis
  • Statistical Inference
  • Bayesian Statistics
  • Linear Models
  • Non-Parametric Methods
  • Statistical Computation

Dr. Leticia Ramirez Ramirez, Centro de Investigación en Matematicas, A.C, Guanajuato, Gto, Mexico. C.P 36000. Phone no. +524737327155. Ext. 4490 Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Dr. Luke Akong’o Orawo, Mathematics Department, Egerton University P.O Box 536 – 20115, Egerton Kenya. Phone no. +254735452864. Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Dr. Moses Ndiritu Gichuki, Chairman, Mathematics Department, Egerton University. P.O Box 536 – 20115, Egerton. Phone No. +254721 743 527. E – mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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