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Faculty of Education and Community Development Studies
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Dr. Milcah Mutuku is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Applied Community Development Studies specialized in rural and social entrepreneurship, and community change. Her research interest is in sustainable livelihoods with special focus on rural, youth and female entrepreneurism. She is a passionate advocate of community-engaged university education with an interest in achieving sustainable community development through entrepreneurship.



Ph.D. Entrepreneurship

Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology, Kenya


MSc. Entrepreneurship

Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology, Kenya


BSc. Agriculture and Home Economics

Egerton University, Kenya


Rural and social entrepreneurship; rural community empowerment; youth and female entrepreneurism; community change.








Making Markets Matter (MMM) Executive Training Program for the African Agribusiness Sector

Market Matters Inc.

Market Matters Inc./Institute for Money Technology and Financial Inclusion at The University of California




Egerton University/EARTH University

The MasterCard Foundation/RUFORUM


(16–27 June)

International Course on Rural Entrepreneurship: Driving Innovations in Agrifood Value Chains

Kwame Nkrumah University of Science & Technology, Kumasi Ghana

Netherlands Fellowship Programme (NFP)


(5-9 May)

Writing Fact Sheets and Video Scripts for Farmers






Disability Mainstreaming

Egerton University

Egerton University


(8-20 July)

Farmer-to-Farmer Video Production




(29 Oct-2 Nov)

Facilitating Pro-poor Value Chain Development and Actor Empowerment

International Institute of Rural Reconstruction (IIRR)

Egerton University


(12-13 September)

Agricultural Innovation and Facilitation

Royal Tropical Institute, The Netherlands/Egerton University

RUFORUM thro’ GO4IT Project


(16-20 May)

E-Learning Capacity Building Course on Developing and Publishing of Digital Teaching and Learning Materials.

Egerton University/Futuristic

Egerton University


(26-30 July)

Research Data Management

Egerton University

Egerton University/United Nations University


(23-25 February)

Project Proposal Development and Communication Skills Enhancement

Egerton University

Egerton University

Sept. 2008-May 2010

Strengthening University Capacity foe Promoting, Facilitating and Teaching Rural Innovation Processes (SUCAPRI)

Makerere University




University Academic Advising

Egerton University

Egerton University


(22-26 June)

Proposal Writing and Grant Management

Training Centre in Community

United Nations University/International Foundation for Science



Corporate Governance

Centre for Corporate Governance

Egerton University


(12-22 Nov)

Development of Distance Learning Materials

Egerton University

Egerton University


(9-11 May)

Leadership and Management in Higher Education

Egerton University

Egerton University


(23-25 Jan)

Skills in Research

Egerton University



(25-27 July)

University Teaching Methodology

Egerton university

Egerton University


(23-24 July)

Student Academic Advising

Egerton University

Egerton University


(23-27 Feb)

Management Skills

Kenya Professional Association of Women in Agriculture and Environment

Kenya Professional Association of Women in Agriculture and Environment


(27 Oct–7 Nov)

Family Life Education and Counselling

Egerton University/Pathfinder International

Egerton University/Pathfinder International



Chair, Department of Applied Community Development



Leader of Master of Science, Community Studies and Extension Programme


Member, Faculty Self-evaluation team


Coordinator, Master of Science, Community Studies and Extension Programme


External  Examiner , Department of Community Resource Management and Extension, Kenyatta University, Kenya


Senior Lecturer, Department of Applied Community Development



Member, Faculty Postgraduate Committee, Faculty of Education and Community Studies


Chair and Faculty representative, Board of Postgraduate Studies, Egerton University


Member, Editorial Board, Journal of Education and Human Resources


Member of the Rapid-Results Initiative on the Enhancement of the Visibility of Egerton University Website.


Member of the Performance Contract Negotiations and Vetting Team


Assistant Dean of Students, Egerton University


Contributed at the Development of Facilitators’ Guide for Mid-Career Course in Agricultural Innovations and Facilitation during the GO4IT Training of Trainers Workshop, Lilongwe, Malawi (May 23-28)


Member of the Enterprise and Resource Mobilisation Committee


Departmental Examinations Officer


Lecturer, Department of Applied Community Development Studies, Egerton University


Programme Coordinator, School-Based Programme for BSc. Agriculture and Human Ecology Extension and BSc. Community Development

2003 (July)

Judge in the Rift Valley Province Science Congress for secondary schools at Nakuru High School.

1997 (July)

Judge in the 35th National Science Congress for secondary schools at Moi High School-Kabarak.


Assistant Lecturer, Department of Agriculture and Human Ecology Extension, Egerton University


Departmental In-service Students academic advisor


Teaching Assistant, Department of Home Economics, Egerton University



Research Project title

Funding Organisation


Bebe, B.O., Oywaya-Nkurumwa, A., Mulu-Mutuku, M., Njogu, S., & Karin, F. Z. Egerton University Community Engagement Strategy 2018-2023



Kibe, A. M., Mwangi, M., Nkurumwa, A. & Mulu-Mutuku, M. Enhancing access of high quality seed potato for improved productivity and income of smallholder farmers in Nakuru County

The MasterCard Foundation thro RUFORUM


Mulu-Mutuku, M., Tarus, R. & Otieno, E. O. Impact of Egerton University community engagement activities on rural households



Oywaya-Nkurumwa, A., Maina, S. M., Ali-Olubandwa, A. & Mulu-Mutuku, M. Assessing farmer learning pathway preferences and agricultural technology uptake by small scale farmers in Kenya


2015 -2016

Mulu-Mutuku, M. & Gichuki, C. N. Influence of Mobile Money on Control of Productive Resources among Women Micro Entrepreneurs Participating in Table Banking in Nakuru, Kenya

University of California, Irvine


Ngesa, F.U., Udoto, M.O. & Mulu-Mutuku. Kiambu University of Technology and Innovation (KUTI) Startegic Plan

KUTI Board of Governors


Mulu-Mutuku, M., Kinuthia, L. N. & Gachugia, T. Empowering youths with agri-entrepreneurial skills to enhance benefits of Youth Enterprise Development Fund in Naivasha Sub-County

Egerton University


Njoroge, K. & Mulu-Mutuku, M. Internet access and its influence on teaching and learning at institutions of higher education: The case of Egerton University

Egerton University


 on going

Nyaanga, J. Mwangi, M., Mulu-Mutuku, M., Opetu, G. & Kinuthia, E. Enhancing food safety in the Kenyan domestic market through reduced pesticide residues on vegetables - a value chain approach

National Council for Science and Technology


Odero-Wanga, D., Mulu-Mutuku, M. & Ali-Olubandwa, A. Enhancing cassava production among small farmers through agro-processing and commercialization in Ngata Division

National Council for Science and Technology


Odero-Wanga, D., Mulu-Mutuku, M. & Ali-Olubandwa, A. Enhancing management and technical skills among women micro-entrepreneurs within the dairy processing industry in Kenya

African Institute for Capacity Development


Odero-Wanga, D., Mulu-Mutuku, M. & Ali-Olubandwa, A. Management of Technology among women entrepreneurs in Micro and Small Enterprises in the Dairy Industry: A Kenyan situation

Organisation for Social Science in Eastern and Southern Africa


Mulu-Mutuku, M. Effects of types of assistance and entrepreneurs’ personality traits on the growth of manufacturing micro-enterprises in Nakuru District, Kenya. Ph.D. Research project



Ngesa, F. U., Ombati, J. M. & Mulu-Mutuku, M. Small-Scale and Medium-Scale Enterprise Development: A study of the Current State and Potential of Technology Extension Services to Small and Medium size firms in Nairobi, Kenya

African Technology Policy Studies Network


Mulu-Mutuku, M. Income generating Activities in Katilu and Lokichar Divisions of Turkana District in Kenya.

Nutrition Improvement Programme

  • Social & rural entrepreneurship
  • Youth & female entrepreneurism
  • Sustainable livelihoods.




Minyatta, E., Ombati, J., & Mutuku, M. (2022). Social Capital in Relation to Market Participation of Smallholder African Indigenous Vegetable Farmers in Vihiga County, Kenya. Asian Journal of Agricultural Extension, Economics & Sociology, 40(12), 48-59.

Mutiga, M.W., Mutuku, M.M., Kinuthia, L.N. & Olubandwa, A. (2022). The Influence of Non-Governmental Organizations’ Capacity Development Education Interventions on Community Empowerment in Nakuru County, Kenya. International Journal of Humanities Social Science and Management. 2(4), 257-264.

Mutiga, M.W., Mutuku, M.M., Kinuthia, L.N. & Olubandwa, A. (2022). Influence of Non-Governmental Organizations’ Financial Interventions on Community Empowerment, International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS), 6(12), 170-179.

Ondiege, E.O., Mutuku, M. &. Mungai, N.M. (2020). Farmer-preferred learning methods and utilised teaching Approaches by Egerton University, Kenya. African Crop Science Journal, 28(s1), 203 – 213.  

Amwine, L., Nkurumwa, A. O., Mulu-Mutuku, M.W. (2019). Socio - Economic Factors that Influence Adoption of Clean Seed Potato (Solanum tuberosum) by Small Scale Farmers in Njoro, Kenya. African Journal of Pure and Applied Science Research, 1(1), 1-7.  

Nyasulu, L, Mulu-Mutuku M. W. & Nkurumwa A.O. (2019). Participation of Small-Scale Farmers in Collective Marketing of Potato in Molo Sub County, Nakuru County, Kenya. African Journal of Pure and Applied Science Research, 1(1), pp. 15-25.  

Kinuthia, L. K., Tumuti, D., Mulu-Mutuku, M. (2019). Internal environmental factors influencing the implementation of marketing strategies by garment-making micro-enterprises in Kenya. Ethiopian Journal of Textile and Apparel, 1(1), 77 – 86.  

Gichuki, C. N & Mulu-Mutuku, M. (2018). Determinants of awareness and adoption of mobile money technologies: Evidence from women micro entrepreneurs in Kenya. Women's Studies International Forum, 67, 18-22.  

Mulu-Mutuku, M., Tarus, R. J., Otieno, E. O. & Mungai N. W., (2017). Farmers’ perceptions regarding Egerton university community engagement activities African Journal of Rural Development, 2 (4), 523-534.  

Githaiga, T. M., Mulu-Mutuku, M., & Kinuthia, L. N. (2016). Influence of Selected Factors on Livelihood Strategy Choices among The Peri-Urban Smallholder Farmers in Lanet Division of Nakuru East Sub-County, Kenya, International Journal of Economics, Commerce and Management, 4(10), 836-854.  

Gichuki, C. N., Mulu-Mutuku, M. & Kinuthia, L. N. (2015). Influence of participation in “table banking” on the size of women-owned micro and small enterprises in Kenya", Journal of Enterprising Communities: People and Places in the Global Economy, Vol. 9(4) pp. 315– 326.  

Mulu-Mutuku, M., Odero-Wanga, D. & Ali-Olubandwa, A. (2015). Female Entrepreneurship in Kenya: How do Female Micro-Entrepreneurs Learn to be Entrepreneurial? Case Studies in Business and Management, 2 (1), 11-26.  

Mwaura, K. W., Odero-Wanga, D. & Mulu-Mutuku, M. (2015). Influence of Types of Mentoring Relationships on Youth Empowerment in Secondary Schools in Njoro Sub-County, Nakuru County, Kenya, International Journal of Innovation and Applied Studies, 10 (1), 15-20.

Mutinda, M. N., Okeyo, P. M., Mutuku, M.M. & Olubandwa, A. (2015). Contribution of Constituency Development Fund Bursary on the Provision of Secondary Education of Ogiek Girls in Njoro Sub-County, Kenya. International Journal of Humanities, Social Science and Education (IJHSSE), 2(2), 77-85.  

Mulu-Mutuku, M., Namusonge, G. S. & Odhuno, M. A. (2014). The Usefulness of Enterprise Support Services to Kenyan Manufacturing Micro-Enterprises Journal of Enterprising Culture, 22(2), 233-249.   

Kinuthia, L. N., Mburugu, K. G. & Mulu-Mutuku, M. (2014). Fashion Marketing: Strategies in the garment making micro and small enterprises in Nakuru Kenya. African Journal of Marketing Management, 6(5), 68-74.  

Gachugia, T.M., Mulu-Mutuku, M. & Odero-Wanga, D. (2014). Role of youth enterprise development fund in curbing youth unemployment in Kenya. European Journal of Social Sciences, Arts and Humanities, 2 (2), 1-11.

Gichuki, C. N., Mulu-Mutuku, M. & Kinuthia, L. N. (2014). Performance of women owned enterprises accessing credit from village credit and savings associations in Kenya. Journal of Global Entrepreneurship Research, 4(16), 1-13.  

Chepkoech, W., Mutuku, M. & Mwaniki, S. (2014). Factors motivating rural households to participate in non-farm activities in Kenya. International Journal of Innovative Research & Studies, 3 (3), pp. 402-416.

Boithi, F. N., Mulu-Mutuku, M., & Birech, R. (2014). Agricultural water technologies adopted Birech, R. &by smallholder farmers in Lare Division, Nakuru County, Kenya. British Journal of Applied Science & Technology, 4(33), 4696-4704.  

Boithi, F. N., Muchiri, E., Birech, R. & Mulu-Mutuku, M. (2014). Factors Influencing Smallholder Farmers’ Adoption of Agricultural Water Technologies and Innovations in Lare and Elementaita Divisions of Nakuru County, Kenya International Journal of Innovation and Applied Studies, 7(4), 1338-1343.  

Mulu-Mutuku, M. W., Odero-Wanga, D. A., Ali-Olubandwa, A. M.,  Maling’a, J. & Nyakeyo, A. (2013). A. Commercialisation of traditional crops: Are cassava production and utilisation promotion efforts bearing fruit in Kenya? Journal of Sustainable Development. 6(7), 4858.  

Odero-Wanga, D., Mulu-Mutuku, M. & Ali-Olubandwa, A. (2013). Overcoming the odds: Strategies used by women entrepreneurs in milk microenterprises in Kenya. American Journal of Human Ecology. 2(2), 60-66.  

Odero-Wanga, D. A., Ali-Olubandwa & Mulu-Mutuku, M. (2010). Women in milk microenterprises in Kenya: Challenges and Opportunities. Journal of business administration and management, 5(3), 150-156.

Odero-Wanga, D. A., Mulu-Mutuku, M. & Ali-Olubandwa, A. (2009). Value added milk products: Constraints to women in milk micro enterprises in Kenya. Journal of Development and Agricultural economics (JDAE). 1(7), 144 – 149.  

Mulu-Mutuku, M., Odhuno, M. A. & Namusonge, G. S. (2006). Effects of Micro-Entrepreneurs’ Personality Traits Combined with Business Assistance on Enterprise Growth. Maseno Journal of Arts and Social Sciences, 1(1), 122-138.

Odero-Wanga, D. A., Mulu-Mutuku, M. & Ali-Olubandwa, A. (2003), Reporting a Kenyan research project. The Australasian Review of African Studies, XXV(2), 90-95.

Mulu-Mutuku, M. (2001). Pastoral Communities and Entrepreneurship Development: Implications for Adult Education. Adult Education and Development, 57, 141-147.



Mulu-Mutuku, M., Mungai, N.M., Ongeng, D., Sherrard, D. & Annor-Frempong, F. (2022). Transformative outreach in tertiary agricultural education in Africa. In D. Kraybill, J. Lynam, & A. Ekwamu (Eds.), Transforming tertiary agricultural education in Africa (pp. 156-170). CABI.

Mulu-Mutuku, M., Ali-Olubandwa, A. & Odero-Wanga, D. (2006). Challenges to the Advancement of Women-Owned Dairy Processing Micro-Enterprises in Kenya. In C. Creigton, F. Yieke (Eds.). Gender inequality in Kenya (pp. 25-29). UNESCO.

Ngesa, F. U., Ombati, J. M. & Mutuku, M. (2003). Extension Services and Enterprise Development: Study of Technology Extension Services to Small and Medium Size Manufacturing Firms in Nairobi, Kenya. African Technology Policy Studies Network (ATPS) Working Paper Series No. 36.



Technical Reports and Thesis

Oywaya-Nkurumwa, A., Mulu-Mutuku, M., Ali-Olubandwa, A. & Maina, S.W. (2018). Assessing Farmer Learning Pathway Preferences and Agricultural Technology Uptake by Small Scale Farmers in Lurambi and Machakos Sub-Counties of Kenya. Biovision Africa Trust for The Ecological Organic Agriculture Initiative in Africa.

Nkurumwa, A., Mulu-Mutuku, M., Mwangi, M. & Kibe, A.M (2018). Baseline Survey Report on Smallholder Potato Farmers in Nakuru County. RUFORUM

Bebe, B. O., Oywaya, A., Mulu-Mutuku, M, Njogu, S. & Karin, F. Z. (2018). Egerton University: University-Community Engagement Strategy (2018-2023). Division of Research & Extension, Egerton University.

Mulu-Mutuku, M., Tarus, R. & Otieno, E. O. (2017). Impact of Egerton University Community Engagement Activities on Rural Households. TAGDev, RUFORUM.

Otieno, E. O., Mulu-Mutuku, M., Ombati, J. & Mungai, N. W. (2017). Survey of Experiential Learning Activities for Agricultural-based Programmes in Institutions of Higher Learning in Kenya. TAGDev, RUFORUM

Mulu-Mutuku, M. & Gichuki, C. N. (2016). Influence of mobile money on control of productive resources among women entrepreneurs participating in table banking in Nakuru, Kenya. The Institute for Money, Technology & Financial Inclusion at the University of California, Irvine.

Mulu-Mutuku, M. Kinuthia, L. N. & Gachugia, T. (2015). Empowering Youth with Agrientrepreneurial Skills to Enhance Benefits of Youth Enterprise Development Fund in Naivasha Sub-County. Division of Research & Extension, Egerton University.

Odero-Wanga, D. A., Ali-Olubandwa, A. & Mulu-Mutuku, M. (2002). Management of Technology among women entrepreneurs in Micro and Small Enterprises in the Dairy Industry: A Kenyan situation. Organisation for Social Science Research in Eastern and Southern Africa-OSSRREA).

Ngesa, F., Ombati, J. & Mutuku, M. (2001). Small-Scale and Medium-Scale Enterprise Development: A study of the Current State and Potential of Technology Extension Services to Small and Medium size firms in Nairobi, Kenya. African Technology Policy Studies Network- ATPS.

Mulu-Mutuku, M. (1999). Feasibility study on Income Generating Activities and Credit Scheme in Katilu and Lokichar Divisions of Turkana District. Nutrition Improvement Programme – Reformed Church of East Africa.

Mulu-Mutuku, M. (1994). Managerial problems in former apprentices businesses with special emphasis on marketing: A study of carpentry Enterprises in Naivasha Town (Master’s Degree Research Project, Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology). Selected Community Outreach/Instructional publications

Mulu-Mutuku, M. (2016). CDEV 250: Social Entrepreneurship. E-Learning Module for Bachelor of Science in Community Development Programme

Mulu-Mutuku, M. & Kinuthia, L. N. (2015). COSE 724: Social entrepreneurship. E-Learning Module for Master of Science in Community Studies and Extension Programme

Nkurumwa, A., Ombati, J. M., Ngaruiya, K., Mutuku, M. & Mutonga, S. N. (2015). Making Yoghurt at Home: Videos for Farmers. Access Agriculture,  

Mulu-Mutuku, M., Kinuthia, L. N. & Gachugia, T. M. (2015). Empowering youths with agrientrepreneurial skills to enhance benefits of Youth Enterprise Development Fund Training Manual

Mulu-Mutuku, M. (2015). COSE 715: Approaches to Community Change. E-Learning Module for Master of Science in Community Studies and Extension Programme.

Nkurumwa, A., Mutonga, S. N., Mutuku, M. & Ombati, J. M. (2014). Quail housing: A farmerto-farmer training video. Access Agriculture,  

Nkurumwa, A., Ombati, J. M., Mutuku, M. & Mutonga, S. N. (2014). Hand milking of dairy cows: A farmer-to-farmer training video. Access Agriculture,

Alabi, A. N., Ndipita, M., Mburu, M & Mutuku, M. (2013). Dairy goat feeding: A farmer-tofarmer training video. Access Agriculture,  



2023: Bridging gaps between academia and community action. Paper presented at the RESPIRA Open Faculty Workshop, ARC Hotel, Egerton University, 16th – 23rd April  2023

2023: Towards Eradication of Malnutrition through the Human Ecology Approach in Training Agricultural Extension Workforce. Paper presented at the 4th National Nutrition Symposium, Safari Park Nairobi. 13th-14th April 2023

2021: Community Empowerment through Entrepreneurship: the case of Egerton University. Paper presented during the 7th IACD Sub Saharan Africa Region Webinar.

2019: Co-organised and facilitated a course on Pandemic preparedness with One Health Approach (PPOH) at Egerton University, Njoro under the funding of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH on behalf of the East African Community (EAC) Secretariat. 1-12, July 2019


2018: (April) Co-organised and facilitated workshop on Data analysis and report writing for baseline survey:  Enhancing access of high quality seed potato for improved productivity and income of smallholder farmers in Nakuru County sponsored by TAGDev.


2018: Germany-Kenya Matching-making Workshop on Entrepreneurial Universities at the Sarova Panafric Hotel, Nairobi. February 14-15, 2018.

2017: (May). Panelist: Financing Your Business; Panel Discussion on Mobile Money at the Making Markets Matter (MMM) Executive Training Program for the African Agribusiness Sector. Host: Ndunge Kiiti Panelists: , Divine Fuh, Head of Publications and Dissemination

at the Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa (CODESRIA), Dakar, Senegal, Milcah Mulu-Mutuku, Egerton University, Kenya, Eric Ngumbi, Director of IT, Marketing and Projects at Mulleys Supermarket, Kenya.

2017: (April). Panelist: ELECTION DIALOGUE FORUM: The Kenyan middle class and the 2017 elections at the Nairobi National Museum with Dr. Lena Kroeker (University of Bayreuth, Germany), Dr. Milcah Mulu-Mutuku (Egerton University, Kenya), Dr. Sam Ndogo (University of Eldoret, Kenya), John Githongo, Anticorruption activist. Moderation: Prof. Kimani Njogu (Twaweza Communications). Organised by Goethe-Institut Kenya and Bayreuth Academy of Advanced African Studies.

2017: (April). Mulu-Mutuku, M. Gichuki, C. N (2017). Mobile money and financial inclusion in emerging economies: a strategy of addressing gender disparities in control of financial resources. Paper presented at the 1st International Conference on Gender Issues in higher learning institutions, DCGI, Dar es Salaam University College of Education.


2017: (January). Co-organised workshop on Innovative Post-Graduate Supervision at Milele Resort, Nakuru (25-27th January 2017) sponsored by DAAD.


2016: Co-organised and facilitated Mobile Money and Women’s Control of Productive Resources Workshop at Milele Resort, Nakuru (7th October 2016).

2016: (May). Mulu-Mutuku, M. Marketing and Stakeholder Management. Paper presented at the Agribusiness Enterprise Management for the Youth Workshop, Chemeron Campus, Egerton University. 

2016: (April). Mulu-Mutuku, M. Gichuki, C. N. (2016). Mobile Money and Table Banking: Influence on Women entrepreneurs’ Control of Productive Resources in Kenya. Paper presented at the Institute for Money, Technology, and Financial Inclusion’s 7th annual conference, University of California, Irvine.

2013: (Feb-March). Mulu-Mutuku, M., Odero-Wanga, D., Ali-Olubandwa, A., Maling’a, J. & Nyakeyo, A. Cassava-Related Entrepreneurial Activities among Smallholder Farmers in Kenya. Paper presented at the 11th International SAAFECS Conference and the 6th IFHE Africa Regional Conference at St Georges Hotel and Conference Centre, Pretoria, South Africa

2012: (September). Chepkoech, W., Mulu-Mutuku, M & Mwaniki, S. Influence of participation in non-farm activities on living standards of rural households in Choborgei Division, Bureti District. Paper presented at the 7th Egerton University International Conference: Research and Expo, ARC Hotel, Egerton University, Njoro.


2011: (November). Kinuthia, L. N; Mburugu, K. & Mulu-Mutuku, M. Internal environmental factors influencing the implementation of marketing strategies by garment-making micro-enterprises in Kenya. Paper presented at the East African Cotton, Textile and Apparel (CTA) Value Chain Conference, North Coast Beach Hotel, Mombasa, Kenya.

2011: (May). Co-facilitation: Career Counseling Workshop for Secondary School Teachers held at ARC Hotel, Egerton University.

2011: (March). Milcah Mulu-Mutuku. Mentoring and Coaching. Paper presented at the Pedagogy and Academic Advising Workshop held at the CMRT, Egerton University.

2010: (17-19 February). Co-facilitation: Pedagogy Workshop held at ARC Hotel, Egerton University.


2005: (September). Mulu-Mutuku, M., Odero-Wanga, D. & Ali-Olubandwa, A. Enhancing management and technical skills among women micro-entrepreneurs within the dairy processing industry in Kenya (Final Report). Presented at the African Institute for Capacity Development (AICAD) Final Reports’ Presentation Workshop, Juja, Kenya

2004: (May). Mulu-Mutuku, M., Namusonge, G. S., & Odhuno, A. Effects of Training on Manufacturing Micro-enterprises’ Growth in Nakuru, Kenya. Paper presented during the 2nd International Entrepreneurship Conference held at United States International University (USIU) 12th to 14th May 2004

2004: (April). Mulu-Mutuku, M., Ali-Olubandwa, A. & Odero-Wanga, D. Challenges to the advancement of women-owned dairy processing micro-enterprises in Kenya. Presented at the International Gender Conference, Egerton University, Njoro, Kenya

2004: (January). Odero-Wanga, D. Mulu-Mutuku, M. & Ali-Olubandwa, A. Enhancing management and technical skills among women micro-entrepreneurs within the dairy processing industry in Kenya. Presented at the African Institute for Capacity Development (AICAD) Co-ordinating conference, Nairobi.

2002: (May). Mulu-Mutuku, M, Odero-Wanga, D. A, & Ali-Olubandwa, A. Participation in the micro enterprise sector within the dairy industry: An Economic Empowerment for Kenyan women. Presented at the Constitutional Workshop 2002: Institutionalising Democracy in Kenya, organised by the German Academic Exchange Services at the Limuru Conference and Training Centre, Limuru, Kenya.

2001: (March). Odero-Wanga, D.A., Olubandwa, A, & Mulu-Mutuku, M. Management of Technology among women entrepreneurs in Micro and small Enterprises in the Dairy Industry: A Kenyan Situation. Presented at the Annual Conference of the Organisation for Social Science Research in Eastern and Southern Africa, Kenya Chapter.

2000: (November). Ali-Olubandwa, A., Mulu-Mutuku, M., & Odero-Wanga, D. A. Management of Technology among Entrepreneurs in Micro and Small Enterprises in the Vegetable and fruit Processing Industry in Kenya. Presented at the 7th Annual Workshop of the African Technology Policy Studies Network, Lusaka, Zambia.

1999: (August). Mulu-Mutuku, M. Income generating Activities in Katilu and Lokichar Divisions of Turkana District in Kenya. Presented in a workshop organised by the Nutrition Improvement Programme in Eldoret, Kenya.

1996: (October). Mulu-Mutuku, M. Ombati, J. & Ngesa, F. Small-Scale and Medium-Scale Enterprise Development: A study of the Current State and Potential of Technology Extension Services to Small and Medium size firms in Nairobi, Kenya. Presented in the 3rd Annual Workshop of the African Technology Policy Studies Network in Harare, Zimbabwe.





Awarding organization


In-Country PhD Scholarship

German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)


United Nations Development Programme Entrepreneurship Development Scholarship

International Labour Organisation/Ministry of Technology and Applied Technology (ILO/MTTAT)

  1. Social entrepreneurship
  2. Rural entrepreneurship
  3. Approaches to social change
  4. Small and micro business management
  5. Consumer education
  6. Human development
  7. Research methods and projects
  1. International Association for Community Development (IACD)
  2. African Technology Studies Network (ATPS)
  3. Kenya DAAD Scholars Association (KDSA)
  4. African Network of Social Entrepreneurship Scholars (ANSES)

Prof. M. A. Odhuno

1719 Summit Springs Dr.

Sandy Spring (Atlanta), Ga 30350

United States of America (USA),


Dr. Flora Fedha

Dean, Faculty of Education and Community Studies ,

Egerton University.


Presbyter George Kung’u,

Chrisco Church, Egerton,


Copyright © 2024 Egerton University
"Transforming Lives through Quality Education"