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Faculty of Education and Community Development Studies
Directorate / Dept
Agricultural Education and Extension (AGED & EXT.)
Egerton University, Box 536-Egerton (AGED & EXT, Department-Education complex)

Dr. Miriam Kyule holds a PhD in agricultural education from Egerton University. Miriam has a vast experience in teaching both in secondary school and university level. She has worked for Teachers Service Commission in different stations and she is currently working for Egerton University as a lecture in the department of Agricultural Education and Extension. She has a wide experience in research, where she has worked on different projects, published several papers in peer reviewed journals and has presented others in international conferences. She teachers undergraduate and post graduate students as well as supervising them. Miriam has extensive experience also on social issues including, working with the youth especially on mentorship and capacity building, gender and inclusiveness, outreach work among others. Miriam has participated in several consultancy engagements.



2017: Ph.D. Agricultural Education - Egerton University, Njoro 
2013: Msc Agricultural Education - Egerton University, Njoro
2009: Bachelor of Science in Agricultural Education - Egerton University, Njoro

  • Agricultural Education
  • Curriculum Development in Agricultural Education
  • Teaching Methods in Agricultural Education
  • Measurement and evaluation in Agricultural Education
  • Blended learning

2018 – Date: Lecturer - Egerton University     

2017 – Date: Departmental Examinations officer - Egerton University      

2015 – Date: Teaching practice zone coordinator - Egerton University        

2014– 2017: Assistant lecturer - Egerton University

2012 – 2014: Agriculture and Biology teacher, class teacher, Badminton Coach - Njoro Girls’ Secondary   P.O Box 52, Njoro        

2011- 2012: Agriculture and Biology teacher; Net ball Coach, Christian Union Patron - Nyamira Girls’ Secondary, P.O Box 78, Bondo


Completed Research Projects that i have actively participated in:

  1. Influence of School Factors on the Implementation of Secondary School Agriculture Curriculum in Arid and Semi-Arid Lands of Kenya: Case Of Baringo, Makueni and Narok Counties. Funded by DAAD - 2015
  2. Selected Factors Influencing Commercial Rearing of Indigenous Chicken for Household Income Among Scale Farmers in Mau-Narok Division of Njoro District, Nakuru County, Kenya. Funded by NACOSTI - 2012

Ongoing Projects I am Participating in:

  1. Strengthening Agriculture TVET training in Kenya and Netherlands (Curriculum Review realigning to CBET) - Sponsed by Nuffic, Aeres , TVETA, Egerton University, KTTC, and CADENA.
  2. Gender and inclusiveness in TVETs (Curriculum Review realigning to CBET)- SPomcered by Nuffic, Aeres , TVETA, Egerton University, KTTC, and CADENA

  • Curriculum development in vocational and technical education
  • pedagogical capacity buidling
  • Gender mainstraming in technical and vocational education
  • Youth empowerment
  • sustainable agriculture in Arid and Semi Arid Lands.
  1. Kyule, M., (2022). A Literature Review Perspective of the Challenges facing Secondary School Agriculture training: A Reflection of the Entry Handicaps in the 21st Century Agricultural Higher Education Training in Kenya. A Book Chapter in the Global higher Education in the 21st Century Series, Proud Pen publisher.

  2. Uwamariya M., Kyule, M., & Bor, E., (2022). Does Access to Credit Influence the Adoption of Good Agricultural Practices? The Case of Smallholder Potato Farmers in Molo Sub-County, Kenya, Journal of Agricultural Education and Rural Development, 14(1), pp. 24-32.

  3. Ongaki A. K., Kyule, M., & Mironga, J., (2021) Teaching Competency-Based Agriculture Subject in Primary Schools in Kenya: A Review of Institutional Preparedness. International Journal of Education, Technology and Science, 1(1) 14–30

  4. Khumoetsile O. Sebotsa, Nkurumwa, O., &  Kyule, M., (2020). EFFECT OF UTILIZATION OF SOCIAL MEDIA PLATFORMS ON YOUTH PARTICIPATION IN AGRICULTURE IN NJORO SUB-COUNTY, KENYA. International Journal of AGricultural Extension International Journal of AGricultural Extension. 08 (03)235-250.
  5. Kyule, M., Konyango, J. J. J. O. & Nkurumwa, A. O., (2019). The place for Dry Land Agriculture in Kenya’s Secondary School Agriculture Curriculum. A Paper Presented in the 2nd Machakos University Conference 24th -26th April 2019 at the Machakos University Hotel and Conference Centre
  6. Kyule, M., Konyango, J. J. J. O. & Nkurumwa, A. O., (2018). Teachers in the Implementation of Practical Agriculture Curriculum in Kenya’s Arid and Semi Arid Secondary Schools. Journal of Problems of Education on the 21st Century, 76 (4) 533-543
  7. Kyule, M., Konyango, J. J. J. O. & Nkurumwa A. O., (2016). Irony in the Teaching of Agriculture in Kenya’s Arid and Semi Arid Secondary Schools: The Students’ and Teachers’ Perspective. International Journal of Innovative Research and Advanced Studies (IJIRAS), 3 (10): 65-71.
  8. Kyule, M., Konyango, J. J. J. O. & Nkurumwa A. O., (2016). Challenges in the Implementation of Secondary School Agriculture Curriculum in Kenya’s Arid and Semi Arid Counties: The Student’s Perspective. International Journal of Innovation and Applied Studies, 15 (4): 768-778.
  9. Kyule, M., Nkurumwa, A. O. & Konyango, J. J. O., (2015). Performance and Constraints of Indigenous Chicken Rearing among Small Scale Farmers in Mau-Narok Ward, Njoro Sub-County, Nakuru County, Kenya. International Journal of Advanced Research, 3 (3): 283-289.
  10. Kyule, M., Mwangi, J. G. & Nkurumwa, A. O., (2014). Indigenous Chicken Rearing Systems and their Influence on Household Income among Small-Scale Farmers in Mau-Narok Division of Njoro District, Nakuru County, Kenya, International Journal of Advanced Research (2014), Volume 2, Issue 5, 638-650.
  11. Kyule, M., Mwangi, J. G. & Nkurumwa, A. O., (2014). Indigenous Chicken Marketing Channels among Small-Scale Farmers in Mau-Narok Division of Nakuru County, Kenya, International Journal of Social Sciences and Entrepreneurship, 1 (9), 55-65.
  12. Kyule, M., Mwangi, J. G. & Nkurumwa, A. O., (2014). The Influence of Application of Indigenous Chicken Technical Knowledge on Household Income in Mau-Narok Division, Nakuru County, Kenya, Journal of Education and Human Resources, January 2014 Issue, Vol.6 issue 1.
  • 2020 - Scientific and Proposal Writing Workshop, 6-11 December 2020. Online workshop by Virginia Tech University in collaboration with TAGDEV; Egerton University
  • 2020 - Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology STEM Education International Conference (STEMEIC,2020) held online between 25-27 November. Paper a paper titled presented “INSTITUTIONAL PREPAREDNESS IN TEACHING COMPETENCE BASED AGRICULTURE SUBJECT IN PRIMARY SCHOOLS IN KENYA.
  • 2020 - Conducting Excellent and Innovative Research Despite the Pandemic; October 2020. Online Webner by CSIR branch of Ghana OWSD Chapter supported by Elservier.
  • 2020  - Gender and inclusiveness in TVET and Agricultural Teacher Training in Kenya; By MDF Training and Consultancy on 13 -14 February  at Emory Hotel Nairobi
  • 2019  - The DACUM workshop for a TVET teacher Training; under OKP project on 8-9th October 2019 at KTTC Nairobi
  • 2019 - Strengthening Research Capacities of research Capacities of Young and Early Career Scientists and Build Research Networks around Inequality Issues in Global South by IRDP-DAAD on 19th -23rd June, Dodoma- Tanzania
  • 2019 - Agricultural Education in Primary and Secondary Schools for African Countries; by Mashav on 19th – 31st May 2019; Mashav Technical Training Center, Israel.
  • 2019 - Communication skills for international, multicultural academic contexts by British Council on 11-13th in Acacia Premier Hotel Kisumu.
  • 2019 - Advanced research designs by PASGR; 3rd-11th April, Corat Africa, Karen Nairobi
  • 2017 -  Article writing and Publishing; Doctoral Supervision; 19th -23rd June In Stellenbosch University, South Africa
  • 2015 -  E-resources, search strategies and referencing by DAAD Kenya; 20 - 24th ct October; Silver Springs Hotel, Nairobi.
  1. Awarded as the best paper presenter during the 10th Egerton University International Conference held between 30th March to 1st April 2016 in the Sub them "Education and Culture". Kyule, M., Konyango, J. J. J. O. & Nkurumwa A. O., (2016). Challenges in the Implementation of Secondary School Agriculture Curriculum in Kenya’s Arid and Semi Arid Counties: The Student’s Perspective.


  • Curriculum development in Agricultural Education
  • Methods of teaching in AGED
  • Measurement and evaluation in Agricultural Education and Extension

Post Graduate:

  • Advanced curriculum Development in Agricultural Education and Extension
  • Planning and teaching in Agricultural Education and Extension
  • Seminars in Agricultural Education and Extension.

Ongoing Supervision

  1. Octavia Sebotsa - EM12/14615/18 - Graduated in December 17th 2021
  2. Mercy Omollo - ESM11/00361/15
  3. Esther Kaitamei - ESM11/00829/16
  4. Dickson Mugambi - EM11/1460/05
  5. Margret Byomndo - EM11/14635/18
  6. Doreen Kachicha EM11/14585/18
  7. ALex Karani - EM11/13621/19
  8. Masca Uwamariya - EM12/13620/19 - Graduated on July 29th 2022
  9. Patrick Osoro Okongo - EM12/1182/04 - Graduated on July 29th 2022
  10. Monicah Samoei - ESM11/14121/15
  11. Robert Recha - ESM11/14718/18
  12. Robert Kyalo Ndambuki -ESM 11/01005/18
  13. Faith  Karimi Njeru - ESM11/01010/19
  14. Edwin Wekesa -
  15. Ephantus -
  1. Organization for Women in Science in the Developing World (OWSD)

Dr. Maurice Udoto; Lecturer,

Department of Agricultural education and Extension,

Egerton University.

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Dr. Agnes O. Nkurumwa,

Lecturer , Department of Agricultural education and Extension

Egerton University.

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