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Dr Maurice Ongalo Udoto

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Dr. Maurice O. Udoto is a Senior Lecturer in Department of Agricultural Education and Extension at Egerton University.  He is the Acting Deputy Registrar (Academic Affairs) since April 2021.  He was Dean, Faculty of Education and Community Studies from 2017 to 2019, Chairman, Department of Agricultural Education & Extension from 2013 to 2017, University-Industry Liaison Officer from December 2004 to December 2012 .  and Coordinator, Materials Production, Dispatch & Examination, Distance Education 2003 to 20014.  He holds a B.Sc. (Bot/Zoo) degree from Kenyatta University and the MSc. and Ed.D degrees from North Carolina Agricultural & Technical State University (NC A&T SU), Greensboro and North Carolina State University, Raleigh, USA respectively.


1995-1999:Doctor of Education (Occupational Education) Department of Agricultural education and Extension, College of Agriculture & Life Science, North Carolina State University, P.O Box 7607 Raleigh, NC.  27695-7607 USA.

1993-1995: Master of Science (Agricultural Education) Department of Agricultural Education, Faculty of Agriculture, North Carolina Agricultural &Technical State University, Greensboro, NC. 27411 USA.

1987-1990:    Bachelor of Science (Botany/Zoology) Faculty of Science, Kenyatta University, P.O. Box 8344, Nairobi


Agricultural Education


September 2019: Pedagogical Leadership in Africa (PedaL);

August 2019-Farmer to Farmer Training Videos

March 2019: Strategic Management and Transformative Leadership in Universities, Training for University Councils and Management,

August 2017: Competency- Based Education

May 2015: Writing Extension Materials for Farmers


Apr. 2021 to Present:          Acting Deputy Registrar (Academic Affairs)

Mar. 2017 to Mar.2019:       Dean, Faculty of Education and Community Studies, Egerton University

Dec. 2012 to Mar. 2017:     Chairman, Agricultural Education and Extension Department Egerton University

Dec.2004 to Nov. 2012:      University-Industry Liaison Officer, Egerton University

Jan.2003 to Nov. 2004:       Coordinator, Materials Production, Dispatch & Examination, Distance Education

17th Apr. 2013 to Present: Senior Lecturer, Department of Agricultural Education and Extension, Egerton University

Oct..1999 -16th April 2013: Lecturer, Department of Agricultural Education and  Extension, Egerton University



2019 – 2023:: Strengthening Agriculture TVET Teacher Training in Kenya and the Netherlands - Orange Knowledge Programme (OKP).

Consultancy Work

  • Marsabit County Government (2018):  Review of County Integrated Development Plan  (CIDP) 2013-2017)
  • Ministry of Education (Nov. 2016 – Dec.2016)”: Kenya Primary Education Development (PRIEDE). School Improvement Plan (SIPs) -
  • Kenya Sugar Board 2012:  Middle Management Training, Kisumu Kenya
  • Kenya Sugar Board 2011:  Middle and Top Management Training, Kisumu Kenya

Strategic Plan Development

  • September 2010:      Kamililo High School, Eldama Ravine
  • January, 2010:          Gusii Institute of Technology, Kisii
  • June: 2009:               Baringo High School, Eldama Ravine
  • July: 2008 :               Baringo Teachers Training College, Kabarnet.
  • August 2004:            Participated in the development of Egerton University Strategic Plan 2005-2015.
  • Smallholder Sustainable Agricultural Practices
  • Smallholder Farmer Education & Training
  • Youth Education & Training in Agriculture
  1. Cheplogoi S.K., Ombati J.M. and Udoto M.O (2021); Diversification Of Indigenous Agricultural Practices And Implications On Household Food Security: Practices And Lessons From Local Communities Of Baringo County, Kenya int. J. Of Adv. Res. 9 (oct). 1232-1240] (issn 2320-5407)
  2. Waiganjo, M.M., Wambugu, P.W., & Udoto, M.O. (2020). Implications of Class Size in Teaching Agriculture in Secondary Schools:Kenya’s Challenge in Implementing Competency-Based Curriculum. Journal of African Studies in Educational Management and Leadership Vol: 12, January-June 2020, p24-40.
  3. Banda, O.A., Udoto, M.O. & Ng’eno, J.K. (2020).   Influence of Selected Institutional and Technological Factors on the Adoption of Sustainable Agriculture Technologies in Maize Farming in Mzimba South, Malawi. Journal of Agriculture and Crops.Vol. 6, Issue. 3, pp: 16-26.
  4. Banda, O.A., Udoto, M.O. & Ng’eno, J.K. (2020).   Influence of Selected Socio-Economic Factors on the Adoption of Sustainable Agriculture Technologies in Maize Farming in Mzimba South, Malawi. International Journal of Agriculture and Environmental Research. Volume 6, Issue 2, pp 102-124.
  5. Mwikali, V.V., Mwangi, J.G, & Udoto, M.O. (2018). The Relationship between Agriculture Teachers’ Satisfaction with Working Conditions and Public Secondary School Students’ Agriculture Performance in KCSE.  Journal of Agriculture and Veterinary Science (IOSR-JAVS). Vol. 11, Issue 5 Ver. I . pp 44-50
  6. Masila, T., Udoto, M.O., & Obara, J. (2015).  The Influence of Soil and Water  Conservation Technologies on Household Food Security among Small Scale
  7. Farmers in Kyuso Sub-County, Kitui County, Kenya.  Academia Journal of Agricultural Research.  Vol. 3 No.2. pp 23-28.  Academia Publishing
  8. Masila, T., Udoto, M.O., & Obara, J. (2015).  The Influence of Soil Fertility Improvement Technologies on Household Food Security among Small Scale Farmers in Kyuso Sub-County, Kitui County, Kenya.  International Journal of Advanced  Research.Vol. 3 No.2. pp 95-104.
  9. Kamuru, M. S., Mwangi, J.G., & Udoto, M. (2014).  Determinants of Leadership Legitimacy in Sustainability of the Dairy Goat Project by Dairy Goat Farmers’ Association in Central and Eastern Provinces of Kenya.  Journal of Research on  Humanities and Social Sciences.  Vol. 4 No.17 pp. 40-46.
  10. Njoroge, D., Mwangi, J.G., & Udoto, M.O. (2014).  Influence of Young Farmers’ Club of  Kenya Activities on Secondary School Students’ Performance in Kenya  Certificate of Secondary Education Agriculture in Rongai Sub-County, Nakuru  County, Kenya.IOSR Journal of Research and Method in Education (IOSR- JRME).  Vol. 4. No. 6. Pp. 15-35.
  11. Muriithi, P.M., Mwangi, J.G., & Udoto, M.O. (2014).  Socio-Economic Determinants of Girls’ Performance in Agriculture in Public Secondary Schools in Kirinyaga Central sub-County, Kirinyaga County, Kenya.  IOSR Journal of Research and Method in Education (IOSR-JRME).  Vol. 4. No. 5. Pp. 41-55.
  12. Lwevo, E., Onyango, C. A., Udoto, M. O., & Digo, C.A. (2014).  Selected Cultural Factors Influencing Access to Agricultural Extension Services among Pastoralists  in Wajir County, Kenya.  Journal of International Academic research for Multidisciplinary.  Vol. 2. No. 5. Pp. 547-559.
  13. Cheplogoi, K. S., & Udoto, M.O. (2013).  Contribution of Agriculture Related Activities of  Women Groups to Household Income Levels and Food Security in Barwessa  Division, Baringo County, Kenya.  International Journal of Advanced  Research  Vol. 1 No.8. pp.85-92.
  14. Ndirangu, M. & Udoto, M.O. (2011).  Quality of Learning Facilities and Learning   Environment:  Challenges for teaching and learning in Kenya’s Public  Universities.  Quality Assurance in Education, Vol. 19 No. 3.  201, pp. 208-223.Emerald Publishing Limited, 0968-4883.

Conference Papers

  1. Bundi, D.N. & Udoto, M.O. (2018).  Use of Agricultural Technologies by Women Small Scale Farmers for Sustainable food production in Nyamira County Kenya. 3rd Interdisciplinary International Scientific Conference, Kibabi University, June 12-14 2018,
  2. Bebe, B. O., & Udoto, M.O. (2015).  Management and communication pathways for research outputs and technologies for improved livelihoods. Second International Research Conference. Theme: Mainstreaming Research & Communication for Sustainable Development. Chuka University, 29th October 2015.
  3. Bebe, B. O., & Udoto, M.O. (2015).  Management and communication pathways for  research outputs and technologies for improved livelihoods.  Theme : “Enhancing Agricultural Productivity And Incomes Through Research Partnerships, Technologies And Innovations For Sustainable Development”  Kenya Agricultural and Agri-Business Productivity Project [KAPAPP], KALRO  Headquarters, Nairobi, 10th June 2015.
  4. Omoro, J. A., Udoto, M.O., Kibett, J.K., & Ochola, W.O. (2011).Defining and easuring Technical Thinking:  Students’ technical Abilities in Kenyan Institutes of Science and technology (Abstract).  6th Egerton University International Conference:Research and Expo., pp. 60.

Symposia Papers

Kibor, A.C. & Udoto, M.O. (2011).  Community Extension and Outreach Activities, Egerton University.  In AICAD Reports.  Proceedings of Symposium on Universities’ Outreach Activities: Vol.1. (pp.25-32).  Nairobi: African Institute for Capacity Development (AICAD).

  • StoryMoja Read Aloud -2021;
  • World Read Aloud Mentor - 2020; 
  • HerStory Summit Community Action – 2017, 2018, 2019; 
  • Rift Valley Reading Association Teachers’ Workshop Facilitator – 2017, 2018; 
  • Environmental Education and Awareness Initiative Outreach Programme -2010; 
  • Celtel Africa Challenge Champions Coach – 2007-2008; 
  • Zain Africa Challenge Champions Coach  - 2009
  • Planning and Teaching of Agricultural Education
  •  Statistical and Research Methods
  • Measurement and Evaluation
  • Scientific Writing and Publishing
  • Organizational Behaviour

Masters Thesis Completed

  1.  Mwikali, V.V., Mwangi, J.G, & Udoto, M.O. (2018). The Relationship between  Agriculture Teachers’ Satisfaction with Working Conditions and Public Secondary School Students’ Agriculture Performance in KCSE.
  2. Njoroge, D., Mwangi, J.G., & Udoto, M.O. (2015).  Influence of Young Farmers’ Club of  Kenya Activities on Secondary School Students’ Performance in Kenya  Certificate of Secondary Education Agriculture in Rongai Sub-County, Nakuru  County, Kenya.
  3. Masila, T., Udoto, M.O., & Obara, J. (2015).  The Influence of Dry Land Farming  Technologies on Household Food Security among Small Scale Farmers in Kyuso Sub-County, Kitui County, Kenya
  4. Ndirangu, W. M., Udoto, M.O., & Anditi, Z. (2015).  Primary School Teachers’ Perceptions of the Adequacy and Quality of Teaching and Learning Resources  Under Free Primary Education in Public Primary Schools in Ndaragwa Division,  Nyandarua County, Kenya
  5. Mahonga, S. M., Sisungo, S. W, & Udoto, M.O. (2015).  Effectiveness of Constituency Busary Awards in Enhancing Deserving Students’ Access to Public Secondary Schol Education in Trans Nzoia West District, Trans-Nzoia County, Kenya.
  6. Muriithi, P.M., Mwangi, J.G. & Udoto, M.O. (2014).  Socio-Economic Determinants of Girls’ Performance in Agriculture in Public Secondary Schools in Kirinyaga Central sub-County, Kirinyaga County, Kenya.
  7. Ngelechei, M. Onyango, C.A. & Udoto, M.O. (2012).  Selected Factors Influencing Social Sustainability Level of Farmer Groups Engaged in Up-Scaling Food Security Initiatives in Nandi North District, Kenya.
  8. Bundi, D.N., Onyango, C.A. & Udoto, M.O. (2011).  The Role of Informal Credit  Systems in Food Security at Household Level:  The case of Women Groups in Nyamira District.
  9. Juma S. W., Ndirangu, M. & Udoto, M.O. (2011).  The Relationshipship between Students’ Perception of the State of School Physical Facilities, Classroom Learning Environment and Self-Concept in secondary Schools in Taita-Taveta District, Kenya.
  10. Gitumu, M. W. Udoto, M.O., & Chepchieng, M.C. (2007).  Relationship between Students’ Self-esteem and Parental Marital Status among Secondary School Students in Gichugu Division, Kirinyaga District.
  11. Lusweti, C.M.; Mwangi, G. & Udoto, M.O. (2007).  Selected Factors Influencing Smallholder Rural Households’ in Non-Farm Activities and their Implications for food Security in Webuye Division, Bungoma District.
  12. Matofari, N.F. Sindabi, A.M, & Udoto, M.O. (2006).  Factors Influencing Teachers’ and Students’ Perceptions of Individual Rights of Students in Public Secondary Schools in Eldoret Municipality, Kenya.
  13. Odhiambo, C.O.; Onyango, C.A. & Udoto, M.O. (2006).  Factors Affecting Adoption of Crossbred Goat Technology by Farmers in Macalder Sheep and Goat Multiplication Station, Migori District, Kenya.
  14. Omoro, J.A.; Udoto, M.O. &  Mungai, P.C. (2005).  The Relationship between Instructional Procedures and Students’ performance in Secondary School Agriculture in Nakuru District.

On-going Masters Supervisions

  1. Emily Kioko- (2021). Effectiveness of Selected Mass Extension Service Delivery Methods on Access to Agricultural Technologies Among Smallholder Farmers in Laikipia West Sub County, Kenya.
  2. Willis Makola-(2021) Influence Of Selected Dissatisfiers And Motivators on Level Of Job Satisfaction of Temporary Agriculture Teachers in Public secondary Schools in Homa-Bay County, Kenya.
  3. Immaclate Kiliswa-Tracer Study On Career Placement of The 2008 Class Of The Bachelor Of Science Degree In Agricultural Education And Extension Graduates Of Egerton University
  4. Lincoln Njiru – A System Diagnosis to Determine the Capacity of Farmers to Produce On-Farm Certified Seed Potatoes in Nyandarua West Sub County

Masters Projects Completed

  1. Mwangi, C. N. & Udoto, M.O. (2018).  Relationship Between Agriculture Knowledge and Form Four Graduates’ Farming Activities and Attitudes Towards Farming in Nyandarua West Sub County, Kenya
  2. Murekefu, F. & Udoto, M.O. (2013).  Selected Factors Affecting the Development of Indigenous Poultry Value Chain in Vihiga District, Vihiga County, Kenya.
  3. Kigunzu, M. F. & Udoto, M.O. (2012).  Factors Influencing Household Utilization of Sweet Potato (Ipomea batatas) in Matayos Division, Busia District, Kenya.
  4. Cheplogoi, S.K. & Udoto, M.O. (2010).Effects of Agriculture-Related Women Groups’ Activities on Food Security in Barwessa Division of Baringo District, Kenya

Ph.D. Thesis Completed

  1.  Cheplogoi, K. S., Udoto, M.O. & Ombati, M. J. (2021).  Influence of Indigenous Knowledge Based Coping Strategies on Household Food Security in Baringo County, Kenya.
  2. Waiganjo, M. M., Udoto, M.O. & Wambugu, P. (2021).  Relationship Between Selected Teacher, Institutional and Curriculum Factors and Teaching Approaches Used by Agriculture Teachers in Public Secondary Schools in Nakuru County, Kenya.
  3. Kamuru S. M., Mwangi, J. G. & Udoto, M.O. (2007). Factors Influencing Leadership Effectiveness in Sustainable Agricultural Development:  The Case of Dairy Goat Farmers’ Association Project in Central and Eastern Provinces of Kenya”.

On-going Ph.D Supervision

  1. Simon N. Mutonga- (2020)-Assessing the Effectiveness of Farmer-Mediated Videos (fmvs) on Extension Service Delivery and Adoption of Innovations among Smallholder Farmers In Njoro Sub-County, Kenya
  2. Justin Mabeya (2022)-Factors Influencing Adoption Of Improved Dryland Crop- And Water Harvesting Technologies For Climate Change Adaptation Among Smallholder Farmers In Nakuru And Baringo Counties


  • Education Management Society of Kenya (EMSK)
  • Academic Mentorship and Advancement (AcMa)
  • Rift Valley Reading Association (RVRA)
  1. Prof. Francis N. Wegulo, Geography Department, Egerton University., P.O. Box 536-20115, Egerton.
  2. Prof. Frederic U. Ngesa, Director, Centre for Capacity Building, Egerton University., P.O. Box 536-20115, Egerton
  3. Dr. Justus M. Ombati, Agricultural Education & Extension Department,Egerton University., P.O. Box 536-20115, Egerton
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