AICAD Trains Kakamega Bodaboda Riders
The African Institute for Capacity Development (AICAD) is a not-for-profit organisation which seeks to link knowledge to application. The AICAD–Kenya country office is domiciled at Egerton University’s Division of Research and Extension. Recently, AICAD conducted a baseline survey which sought to understand the gap that exists between the knowledge of traffic rules and their application amongst bodaboda riders in Kakamega Central, Kakamega County. The findings indicated that most of the riders have no formal riding training since they are self-taught. Other findings indicated that most of them do not use the rider's and passengers protective gears. This exposes them to diseases like pneumonia, TB and the like. Hygiene and sanitation are also not keenly observed by the riders. Moreover, although most are in some form of self- help groups, they have not been trained on basic book-keeping procedures.
Trainers from AICAD use the simulation method to take boda boda riders through a session on traffic safety
These findings prompted AICAD to action, leading them to train 50 riders from Kakamega Central on the issues identified by the survey. The five-day training was conducted in March 2021. The riders were trained on health, personal hygiene and communicable and non-communicable diseases. They were also trained on road safety, customer care, road use and signage, basic first aid, costing, savings and investment.
From the trainings, it was evident that there is need to train more riders on similar issues since the gap between knowledge and its application was wanting. It is imperative for the National Transport and Safety (NTSA) to go beyond a day's sensitisation and focus more on in- depth training for as many riders as possible countrywide. In partnership with Like-minded institutions, organisations, government agencies, ministries, and county governments, among others, NTSA can come up with a comprehensive curriculum. The synergy will also help the riders to harness the support they may need from a one-stop shop. A well-trained rider is a safe and resourceful rider.
Mr Joseph Mwenda,
Assistant Country Director, AICAD - Egerton University.