Egerton University Welcomes First-year Students
Life at Egerton University returned to full capacity for the 2021/2022 academic year in September 2021 with the reporting, registration and orientation of new and continuing students. Acting Vice-Chancellor kick-started the semester by welcoming new students to the University through his address delivered at Main Campus in Njoro on 13 September 2021.
“On behalf of the Chancellor, University Council, Management Board, Senate, members of staff and students, I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate and welcome all the First years of the 2021/2022 cohort to Egerton University,” said the acting Vice-Chancellor.
“As you begin your intellectual journey at this University, it is my honour to welcome you to one of the oldest and leading institutions of higher learning in Kenya. We offer over 100 courses in the diploma, undergraduate and postgraduate levels. These courses are offered at our various Faculties, Institutes and through School of Distance Learning (SODL) and it includes programs in Agricultutre, Health sciences, Sciences, Environment, Engineering, Arts and Social Sciences., Education, Commerce, Law among others” added Professor Kibwage.
The acting Vice-Chancellor called upon the new students to take their academic life seriously and, in particular, to observe examination regulations while taking their continuous assessment tests and end of semester examinations.
He also urged the new students to desist from substance and alcohol abuse, internet abuse and joining social groups that would hinder their education and peaceful stay at the University and eventual destruction of their carreers.
First-year students for the 2021/2022 academic year during an interdenominational service at Main Campus in Njoro on Sunday 12 September 2021. The Office of the Dean of Students organized the service as part of the orientation programme that ran from 7 to 13 September 2021 at Egerton University.
Over 4,000 first-year students participated in the orientation programme on 7 to 13 September 2021. This year, the orientation was conducted in-person at Main Campus and Nakuru Town Campus College (NTCC), a change from last year’s virtual orientation programme due to reduced in cases of COVID 19 pandemic.
The Office of the Dean of Students, under the leadership of Professor Dolphine Odero – Wanga organized and delivered the orientation programme.
Speaking at the Vice-Chancellor’s Address, Professor Wanga said that the orientation programme was a necessary and intensive activity that educated students on services offered at the University, the different courses, what is expected of the new students, and the challenges they may encounter and how to deal with those challenges.
While speaking, the Dean of Students commended members of staff who participated in orientating the new students adding that the commitment and dedication they displayed was an example to the students.
The Principal of Nakuru Town Campus, Professor Joshua Ogendo, urged the first-year students to make appropriate adjustments to integrate and belong to the Egerton community. Egerton University is a community of diversity
The acting Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research and Extension), Professor Bockline Bebe, called upon the students to always project a positive image of the University through academic and social discipline.
“As our valued customer, it is important that you make good use of your time here at Egerton University. This will be reflected in your academic performance, how you interact with each other and with the world outside,” said Professor Bebe.
The acting Deputy Vice-Chancellor for Administration, Planning and Development Prof Richard Mulwa told the students that they had the responsibility to bring honour to their parents, guardians and sponsors through their work while on the campus.
Every student at Egerton University should focus on achieving a 100 per cent completion rate, and according to the acting Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic Affairs), when students focus, they will complete their studies in time.
The Vice-Chancellor’s Address culminated in the orientation programme that ran from 7 September to 13 September. The orientation programme is an essential and compulsory exercise for all new students. Its primary purpose is to equip and prepare new students with the skills and knowledge necessary for negotiating and adjusting to the new university environment.
Those who participated in the programme that was held at the Science Complex, Main Campus and University Grounds at NTCC came from the heads of different units of the University together with their respective teams.
University units and their Heads who participated
Deans of Faculties delivered their orientation by taking the new students to their respective faculties. Prof. P. Mshenga Faculty of Agriculture, Prof. H. Murenga Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, Dr Henry Kombo Faculty of Commerce, Prof. J. Wamutitu Faculty of Education and Community Studies.
Prof. J. Onyando Faculty of Engineering and Technology, Prof. W. Muturi Faculty of Environment and Resource Development.
Dr Brian Lishenga Faculty of Health Sciences, Dr Ruth Aura Faculty of Law, Dr M.N. Gichuki Faculty of Science Dr Jane Mburu Veterinary Medicine & Surgery, and Prof. Rose Odhiambo Institute of Women Gender & Development Studies.
Prof. Mwanarusi Saidi Registrar Academic Affairs, Prof. Dolphine Odero-Wanga Office of the Dean of Students, Prof. Paul Kimurto Director of Marketing & Resource Mobilization, Dr Elizabeth Kamau Directorate of Planning & Development, and Dr Patricia Wambugu Directorate of Quality Assurance.
Prof. Charles M’Erimba Directorate of International Linkages and Career Services, Prof. Fred Keraro School of Distance Learning, Dr Geoffrey Ong’ondo Board of Undergraduate Studies, Fr. Dr Gerrishon Kuria University Welfare Services, Prof. Gilbert Obwoyere Directorate of Examination and Timetabling,
Others were Mr Moses Ouma Finance Officer, Ms Janegrace Kinyanjui University Librarian, Dr Pheobe Ongalo ICT Manager, Mr Samuel Kariuki Integrity Promotions Office, Mr Charles Abanga Transport Officer, Mr B Githaka Chief Security Officer, and Dr Geoffrey Wahome, Chief Medical Officer.