Prof. John Mironga’s Tribute
Prof. John Momanyi Mironga an Associate Professor of Biogeography at the Department of Geography, Faculty of Environment and Resources Development.
Egerton University mourns the passing of Prof. John Momanyi Mironga an Associate Professor of Biogeography at the Department of Geography, Faculty of Environment and Resources Development. He was a distinguished scholar, educator and mentor. Prof. Mironga was born in 1967 in Kisii Central, Kisii County. He was a Dean, the Faculty of Environment and Resource Development from 2013 to 2015. Under his leadership, the Faculty experienced tremendous growth and established various collaborations with local and international institutions. Prof. Mironga, besides being a lecturer in Biogeography, was proactively involved in developing the portfolio of programmes, seeking opportunities for new and modified programmes in response to changes in market demand and ensuring the visibility and recognition of the Faculty of Environment and Resources Development and the University in the national and international forums. Prof. Mironga was actively involved in research and won more than ten (10) research grants in the area of environmental management. Prof. Mironga published many scientific papers in refereed journals and participated in seminars and workshops locally, regionally and internationally. His area of interest was the use of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and Remote Sensing in studying the implications of climate change on sustainable land management practices in developing countries.
Prof. Mironga completed his Doctor of Philosophy at the Department of Geography, Egerton University and Master of Philosophy in Environmental Studies at Moi University, School of Environmental Studies, Division of Environmental Monitoring and Computerized Cartography. Prof. Mironga received various awards and honours for his outstanding academic performance among them are NUFFIC fellowship at the University of Amsterdam in 1997.
At the Departmental of Geography, Prof. Mironga actively participated in course (s) development/ curriculum development, new programs on Geographic Information Systems, Remote Sensing, Environment Impact Assessment/ Strategic Environmental Assessment, ecology of invasive species, climate change and pollution-related studies in agriculture (implications of poor urban waste management on water resources, impact of human activities on the environment, poor quality waters management, climate change/climatic variability, yield forecasting, extreme episodic events), guided M.Sc. and PhD students on these aspects. Other responsibilities - Member of Faculty Consultancy Team meant to prepare and submit proposals through the Division of Research and Extension, since 24 June 2011. Faculty Representative of Vision 2030 committee, Egerton University; an evaluator/vetting of all University Divisions, Faculties and/or Departments performance contracts since 2008. Management Representative of ISO 14001: 2015 (Environmental Management System) and core Committee member working towards having Egerton University get certified by end of 2018. He was in charge of a team spearheading Asbestos removal from all buildings at Egerton University. Prof. Mironga was a Coordinator of GIS and Remote Sensing courses for Military Science Programme. He was involved in developing E-Learning Content for RUFORUM and Egerton University.
He was a Member of the International Society for Development and Sustainability (ISDS) (Membership ID: M140924). ISDS is a Japan-based international scientific and educational organization dedicated to promoting science and practice in all aspects of environmental, economic, social and cultural sustainability and a Member of the International Society for Environmental Information Sciences (ISEIS). In addition, he was a Member of the National Environmental Management Authority (NEMA- Kenya) (Membership ID: 6386). An Authority that supervises and coordinates matters relating to the environment and is the principal instrument of the Government of Kenya in the implementation of all policies relating to the environment, Gratis Member - Wetland Society, International and a registered Environmental Impact Assessment Expert in the capacity of a Lead Expert (with The National Environmental Management Authority (NEMA- Kenya). He was a Lead Auditor/ Expert in Environmental Management Systems. Prof. Mironga was a Trainer of Trainers in Environmental Impact Assessment, GIS and Remote Sensing and Agricultural Innovation Systems (AIS). Prof Mironga was the Chairman Board of Management Heshima Secondary School in Nakuru. To the Egerton University Community, Prof. John Mironga, who died on 3rd April 2022, will forever remain a beacon of light.
The Department of Geography
Faculty of Environment and Resources Development