Egerton University Receives Lot 2021 First Year Students
Egerton University is the oldest institution of higher learning in Kenya founded in 1939 which located 22 Kilometers from Nakuru City, within Nakuru County. The university welcomed their first years on August 22, 2022 following their successful admission to pursue various academic programmes.
Egerton University Vice Chancellor Professor Isaac Kibwage made a spot check in various faculties on the registration process. The VC lauded the process as the first year students lot of 2021, were accompanied by their parents and guardians for registration in their respective faculties.
Early Online Registration
At Egerton, students register remotely through the student’s portal. This means that the learners can Pay school fees, book and pay for their hostels ahead of the reporting day.
During the online registration, the students upload copies of their academic documents on the registration postal. On reporting day, the faculty staff verify the learner’s original documents and clear them into their respective departments.
The admission exercise goes on till the fifth week to allow all students selected ample time to settle in the university. So far, about 2643 students have been admitted into the various courses.
A large number of students reported on the first day at Njoro Main Campus and Town Campus respectively. They were directed to their respective faculties for registration. The large number of students reported on first day. This necessitated the University to offer both students and their parents accommodation. Some reported a day earlier and spent in the University to admit their sons and daughters.
A spot-check by the NEWSLINK, the University publication showed that students reported from across all the 47 counties of Kenya and diverse community’s cultures. Others are minors. The parents and guardians who accompanied students offered moral t as well as financial support. The University bus was availed to make movement across the university easier for the new students as well as people with Disabilities.
Accommodation for all first years is available except for those in Town Campus who may arrange private accommodation. However, students in the town campus Can also get accommodation and commute to the City Campus.
Launch Parents Portal
On reporting, the parents were elated by the Introduction of the Parents portal https://parents.egerton.ac.ke/ . Egerton University Parents or Guardian Portal is a web-based system that provides parents and guardians direct communication and support to their children while at Egerton University. The parents are able have a feels of their children’s progress in the university. The Parents Portal is an exciting opportunity for parents/guardians/sponsors to become more involved in their student(s) academic progress. It entails the Student Profile, Fee Structure, Exam Provisional Results of the student and accommodation profile: the name, block, room number, bed number and semester accommodation paid for the student.
“This is a game changer. I can now comfortably follow my sons progress. Imagine in my busy schedules, I will be able to have a quick glance at the portal and raise any issue I have with my child or the University, “said Okello, a parent in the Faculty of Education.
Also, the Director Academics, Egerton University Students Association (UESA), Josiah Mwawaza quipped: “This is a great innovation by the University. It has its advantages and teething issues which can be handled as it is being implemented. “
“I like it because it allows our parents to also walk with the students through their academic journey. Some student can cheat their parents and end up not graduating in time. Some waste away. I encourage all students to embrace the parent’s portal,” said Mwawaza during the Orientation of the first year students at the Faculty of Science Halls.
All first year students have been undertaken through the orientation exercise to familiarize themselves with the utilities available in the university.
Student orientation is encapsulated into an orientation week to welcome fresher’s'. It is a period before the start of an academic year at a university. The students were inducted on how to carry out themselves while in Campus.
Chief Security officer of University addressed the students and advised them on how to stay safe in and out of the University. He reminded them to uphold the Kenyan Constitution and the University laws.
On August 31, 2022, the Vice Chancellor Professor Isaac Kibwage is expected to give a keynote speech to the students at the main Campus.