Seminars on “Agricultural Mechanization” in African Countries
1. When
The online seminars on Agricultural Mechanization will be held from May 9-11, 2022 for African Countries supported jointly by Nanjing Agricultural University, China and Egerton University, Kenya.
2. Objectives
To support the ‘Peace and Development Issues in the Horn of Africa’, Prompt academic exchange on Agricultural Mechanization, Increase the crop production through application of new technologies to guarantee the food security and enhance livelihood in Africa
3. Participants
Staffs and graduate students of College of Engineering in Nanjing Agricultural University, China.
Staffs and graduate students of Faculty of Engineering &Technology in Egerton University, Kenya.
Staffs and graduate students of University of Umbo in Ethiopia, Sokoine Agricultural University in Tanzania and Any other interested groups in Africa.
4. Organization
(1) Seminars will be going through Zoom Meeting (No: 291 901 5406; Password: 123456).
(2) Venues:
Main: Room A509, Yuxian Building Pukou Campus, NAU, China;
Parallel one: CESSAM, Egerton University, Kenya;
5. Contact persons
China: 138 0900 9560(Prof. HE Ruiyin).
Kenya: 0721 647 747(Mr. Joseph Alele) 0705 541 289, Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (Prof. LIU Yutao).
6. Contents and Topics
Seminars will be divided into 3 sections, tillage machinery, harvesting and post-harvesting machinery, intelligent machinery, the first one mainly focuses on soil preparation, sowing and planting machinery; the second one focuses on the crop harvesting and drying or storing machinery; the last one is mainly about the intelligent machinery or automatic control technology machinery or equipment.